Saturday, April 20, 2019

124-A-4Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “Only Christ of the Last Days Can Give Man the Way of Eternal Life”

The words of God are as follows: “Those whose belief in God is false, those who are not approved by God, those who are despised by God, those who are eliminated by God—they are bound to be rejected by God, are bound to remain without the way of life, and are bound to remain ignorant of where God is.These stipulations are quite severe but they reveal the truth of the matter.“In contrast, those in whose hearts God lives know where He is,” the people who have God in their hearts know where God is. Now, where would you say God is? You say, “God is in my heart!” Do not even dare to say this! Where exactly is God? If you actually do not know, what kind of problem is this? Those who do not know are the people who God has eliminated.
Those who truly have God living in their hearts know where God is. Do you now understand? “In contrast, those in whose hearts God lives know where He is. They are the people unto whom God bestows the way of eternal life, and they are the ones who follow God.” From this, we can understand another aspect of the truth. “Those in whose hearts God lives know where He is.” These people have an understanding of God because God lives in their hearts and has done His work through them for many years. As such, they know where God is, they understand the way of eternal life. They know what eternal life is and the way of eternal life. These people, objectively speaking, are followers of God. These people follow God. Each and every person whose heart God lives in, is a person who truly follows God. Each and every person whose heart God lives in, when God’s work is finished, these people will truly understand God. They will be perfected by God. They will be obtained by God. Those who do not have God in their hearts do not know where God is. Also, when they are asked what Christ brings in God’s work of the last days, they say, “I do not know.” When they are asked what the way of eternal life is, they say, “I do not know.” This kind of person does not understand God in the slightest. This is a person who has been eliminated by God.
Do you know, now, where God is?” Do you know where God is? Some people would say that God is in the hearts of those who truly believe in God. Is that it? If you only understand this statement, it is not enough! “God is both in the heart of man and at man’s side. He is not only in the spiritual world, and above all things, but even more on the earth upon which man exists.” You must have a clear understanding of these statements! Presently, how much of this do you understand? First, “God is both in the heart of man and at man’s side.” Would you say that God is only in man’s heart? This is not entirely correct. He is also “at man’s side.” “He is not only in the spiritual world, and above all things, but even more on the earth upon which man exists.” This is a more complete and accurate understanding. In more colloquial language, God is not only in the heavens, but in the world as well. He is above all things. He lives in man’s heart and is at man’s side. This is also an accurate account of this concept. Here it is said: “He is not only in the spiritual world, and above all things.” What does “above all things” mean? He is above all the things that He created. Now, what does “not only in the spiritual world” mean? God is a Spirit and He controls the entire universe. The entire universe includes the spiritual realm as well as the physical world. Colloquially it means, He is both in the mortal and the immortal world. “But even more on the earth upon which man exists.” Why is God on the earth upon which man exists? Why is He not on some distant planet? Why is He not where animals are living? What is the reason for this? This is because mankind was created by God. Most importantly, He has His work to do on mankind. He wants to perfect man to be the master of all things! However, man has been corrupted by Satan. If man does not experience God’s salvation, then he cannot be perfected. This is why God works through mankind. This is why He is on the earth upon which man exists.
And so, the arrival of the last days has taken the steps of God’s work into new territory. God holds sovereignty over all things in the universe, and He is the mainstay of man in his heart, and moreover, He exists among man. Only in this way can He bring the way of life to mankind, and bring man into the way of life.” These words clearly describe God’s intentions. “God holds sovereignty over all things in the universe, and He is the mainstay of man in his heart, and moreover, He exists among man. Only in this way can He bring the way of life to mankind, and bring man into the way of life.” God does all this in order to bestow the way of eternal life upon mankind and to allow mankind to obtain the way of truth. This is the purpose of God living among man. “God has come to earth, and lives among man, so that man may gain the way of life, and so that man may exist. At the same time, God also commands all things in the universe, so that they might cooperate with His management among man.” These words are also quite clear. Only through obtaining the way of life can man live better. God does His work among man so that man can obtain the way of life. What is the purpose of this? The purpose is for the survival of man. Someone said, “If God did not do the work of the last days, could mankind still survive?” Mankind would be exterminated. This is determined by God’s disposition. Mankind is evil and extremely corrupted, they are like satanic demons. God must destroy mankind. God’s righteous disposition cannot allow this type of satanic brood to exist. This is why before God extinguishes the world, He performs His salvation work. His work in the last days is to allow man to obtain the way of life. Let’s say you receive God’s work in the last days, if you do not seek the truth and cannot obtain the way of life, what is the result? The result is that you will be destroyed in the disasters! This disaster of the last days is getting bigger and bigger. Once God’s work is finished, the great disaster will commence. Once the great disaster begins, mankind will be destroyed gradually. They will be destroyed in steps. Each of these steps has a number. A certain number of people will be killed in each disaster. Each disaster will carry away a certain number of people. Each step has a number. It is impossible for the doomed to escape! Earthquakes will kill a certain number of people. Great fires will exterminate a certain number of people. Epidemics will kill a certain number of people. Wars will kill a certain number of people. Each of these disasters will have a mission because these disasters have been preordained by God. If you receive Christ in the last days and if you are unable to obtain the way of life, what is the result? The result is death. You will be exterminated. If you accept God’s work in the last days and obtain the way of life, then you will not die. You will be protected by God in all these disasters.
Let us now look again at how God works. “God also commands all things in the universe.” One aspect is God expressing the truth and the word in Christ and doing the work of judgment through Christ. Another aspect of God’s work is His command of all things. These two aspects do not interfere with each other. In the past, there were some people who had their own notions, “God’s Spirit is materialized in the flesh. That means He is unable to command all things. Perhaps, at this time, it is not known who can replace God as the Master of all things. God can only do His own work through the flesh.” Are these thoughts correct? He has forgotten that God is almighty. God is omnipresent. He is present throughout the entire universe. Why do I say that He is omnipresent? God’s Spirit has permeated everything in the heavens and the earth. Wherever you are, whatever you are thinking, whatever you are doing, God can see it. He knows you like the palm of His hand. This is why God is omnipresent. “God also commands all things in the universe, so that they might cooperate with His management among man.” Here, it says that God commands all things. How does He command all things? What connection does this have to the work of God in the last days? The following sentence explains this, “so that they might cooperate with His management among man.” How should we interpret this point? Well, as God is performing each step of His work, what kind of work is He also performing amongst all things? They cooperate with each step of God’s work. What does “cooperate” mean? It means to do service for God in each age. In the last days, He commands all things so that they cooperate to serve His work of the last days. During the Age of Grace, God performed redemption work. He commanded all things so that they would cooperate with Him to serve His redemption work. What does “cooperate and serve” mean? Here is an example. As God is doing His work in the last days, the great red dragon surfaces and is mobilized. It captures and suppresses people and disseminates propaganda through its media. Through various campaigns, it obstructs people from examining the true way. It discredits the Church of Almighty God in China and in the world and causes people to abandon us. This is what it has done. The great red dragon and all things were mobilized to serve this work. This is called well-coordinated cooperation. Someone prayed, “God, hinder the great red dragon, do not let it oppress and persecute God’s chosen people. Do not allow it to beat down and convict the Church of Almighty God.” Is this prayer appropriate? This prayer goes against God’s intentions. God has done this work and has mobilized all things to carry out God’s management plan. The existence and mission of the great red dragon is to do service. Once its effectiveness is used up, it will be exterminated. God will then discard it.
God’s words are as follows, “And so, if you only acknowledge the doctrine that God is in heaven and in the heart of man, yet do not acknowledge the truth of God’s existence among man, then you shall never gain life, and shall never gain the way of truth. So, where exactly is God? Why does God exist among man? God’s words have explained these matters very clearly. If you are a person who sincerely seeks the truth, after you have read God’s words, you should understand God’s intentions and why God does this. You will understand how God works and how He lives within man’s heart. You will know why He exists among man, what He wants man to obtain and, in the end, what results will be achieved. Once you understand these things, you will have a clear understanding of God’s work. Once you experience God’s work, you will have principles and you will know how you should experience it. Some people do not comprehend when they encounter the government’s coercion and persecution, “God, why do You allow them to persecute me?” They complain to God. Some people experience a death in their family. Perhaps their father or mother died, their wife died, or their son or daughter died. They complain to God and say, “Why did You allow them to die?” They do not know the answer. Do you now understand? Are you able to see through these matters? These are things that are used to perfect us. They help us understand the truth, understand God, understand God’s work and understand the way of the truth. After you have understood this, when you encounter trials, you will know how to pray. You will know what is complaining and what is bearing witness. You will know how to act in accordance with God’s intentions. You will know how to humiliate Satan the devil. You will be certain about the principles of practice. That is why these words are very important. Do not assume that a surface-level understanding of these concepts is sufficient. Do you think this means that you understand the truth? These concepts are the vision of God’s work. If you do not understand this, when you encounter trials and frustrations, you will not know how to deal with them. You will not know what God’s intentions are. If you do not know God’s intentions, then how are you to bear witness? You cannot bear witness. If you cannot bear witness, then all you can do is complain to God, resist God or betray God. This is a big problem. Do you understand?

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