Showing posts with label knowing God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label knowing God. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

4 Aspects of Practice to Attain the Fear of God

By Xiaoxue
Speaking of fearing God, all brothers and sisters in the Lord are familiar with it. It’s God’s requirement for us and also the criteria for our receiving God’s salvation and entering the kingdom of heaven. So each of us Christians should seek it. Next, we’ll discuss the expressions of fearing God from the following four aspects.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

8. One Must Know That Only God’s Three Stages of Work Are His Complete Work for Saving Mankind

(Selected Passage of God’s Word)
Knowing the Three Stages of God’s Work Is the Path to Knowing God
The work of managing mankind is divided into three stages, which means that the work of saving mankind is divided into three stages. These three stages do not include the work of creating the world, but are rather the three stages of the work of the Age of Law, the Age of Grace, and the Age of Kingdom.