Thursday, August 09, 2018

The Very Moment of My Bicycle Rushing Toward the Deep Valley

God's blessing|The Very Moment of My Bicycle Rushing Toward the Deep Valley

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, said Jehovah. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9). Whenever I read these verses, I can’t help remembering my dangerous and terrifying experience. In that, I’ve seen the wonderful deeds of God, and truly felt that God’s almightiness and sovereignty can’t be explained by man’s thinking. Whenever thinking of this experience, I still can’t calm myself after a long time.

It was high summer, and my five coworkers and I took a trip by bicycle to Mountain Nankun Scenic Area. The four-day trip over, the six of us were ready to cycle down the mountain. At that time, the leading coworker had each of our bicycles examined and told us to have the speed under control and not to fall behind. Everything well prepared, I looked around accidentally, only to see we were surrounded with mountains. In the distance, it is endless and undulating mountains; dimly perceptible mountain roads seem like long ties without end. I took a deep breath, “Ah! It’s so high. I must be careful when going downhill.” At the leader’s command, “Let’s go,” we each, in turn, rode our bikes and went down along the bumpy mountain roads.

On the way, when the trucks and buses rushed past me, the sand flew in the wind and directly covered my face. I couldn’t help but narrow my eyes slightly, yet I dared not wipe them off with my hand, for fear that I would lose control of my bike and fall down. Suddenly, I felt my bike was speeding up because of inertia and the speed was increasing as my bike went on, so that I passed my partners and also continuously passed other tourists in front of me. At that time, I heard my companions shouting, “Stop! Do Stop!” I applied the brakes immediately but my bike didn’t stop. The brakes failed!

Soon the shouting of my partners died away with my bicycle sliding down rapidly. Glancing at both sides of the road, I saw on my right were thick jungles, on my left a gloomy deep valley. It made me absolutely terrified. I thought, “My bicycle has gotten out of control. If it can’t stop, it’ll surely rush down into the valley, and I’ll certainly be dead.” I was extremely tense and scared, beads of sweat breaking out over my forehead. I held the handlebars and brakes tightly, daring not to loosen for a second so that my hands became swollen and then bloody. At that moment, I was looking attentively at every curve in the road ahead, not noticing the pain of my hands. And I, like on a roller coaster, rode down a steep slope of 45 degrees, and then rounded a 30-degree curve, slipping down unevenly along the rough mountain road. Meanwhile, my heart beat fast, for fear that if there was no the curve turning, I would straight plunge into the bottom of the valley and die!

Just as what I had been worried about, there was no crooked road when my bicycle sped to the mountainside. I merely saw that a valley, too deep for me to see its bottom, separated two mountains. It was faintly visible that the two mountains were linked by a stone slab bridge of about 20 meters long and 3 meters wide. Since my bike was totally out of control then, I was unable to control its direction at all. With its handlebars swinging constantly, sometimes my bike went to the middle of the road, sometimes to the roadside. I thought, “Oh, dear. Oh, dear! It is only more than 20 meters before I rush into the valley. If I fall to the valley, I’ll certainly be dashed to pieces. What should I do? What should I do?”

Just then, I remembered I was a Christian and the Lord Jesus with great power certainly could save me. So I called loudly, “Oh Lord, help me, help me!” As soon as I finished my words, my bicycle fell to the middle of the road with a thud, and I was thrown into a puddle of a mountain stream two meters away from my bicycle, where I was jammed. At that moment, I didn’t open my eyes, but I could often hear vehicles passing fast and the wheels of my bike rotating with sand and stones.

Before long, my companions came to the spot and called out my name, and I responded with all my strength, “I’m here!” Then, they, following my voice, found me and dragged me slowly out of the puddle. After rising, I didn’t feel anything was seriously wrong with me and still could move freely. They said in surprise, “It is a miracle. We saw you, like riding a roller coaster, dash across from this mountain to that one, and miss in the blink of an eye. When we came here, we only saw your bicycle lying in the middle of the road but couldn’t find you. We were so anxious, believing you must have dived into the valley or have been knocked flying by a vehicle. This really is a surprise. You’re still alive. Could it be that Heaven has protected you?” At that time, I, with tears, told them excitedly, “Yes, indeed. I believe in the Lord Jesus. He is the only true God. It is the Lord Jesus that has saved me when I called on Him in distress. It is the Lord Jesus that has given me a second life.” “It is God that has protected you and saved you from the brink of death!” “That’s right. If you had fallen off your bicycle to the roadside or to the middle of the road, you might have been in danger of being crushed to death by the vehicles running down the mountain!” …

After hearing what they said, I thought of the scenes that had just occurred. It was really frightful. My bike was out of control, and I had no way to deal with it, only sliding down the mountain path. If there were no the curve, I would have dived into the valley due to inertia, and been dead as a doornail. But at the moment my bike dashed toward the valley—the Lord heard my prayer—my bike actually ceased miraculously and I thus survived, lying on the ground, safe and sound. I was grateful to God for saving me in time from the depth of my heart. Afterward, my coworkers helped me clean the bloodstains on my neck with tissues and clog up the wound with band-aids. And then, we pushed our bicycles home.

I saw the Psalms of David say, “For you have possessed my reins: you have covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise you; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are your works; and that my soul knows right well” (Psalms 139:13-14). That’s true. God not only gave us the breath of life, but He is always at our side, ensuring our safety, watching over us and protecting us. We not only can see God’s wonderful deeds but also can experience and perceive them. Through this experience on my way back from the trip, I felt God’s protection for me and also personally experienced God’s authority and almightiness. I’ll praise Almighty God loudly like King David and I’ll follow God for ever and ever! Amen!

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