Monday, August 13, 2018

Are There Words Spoken by God That Are Not in the Bible?

By Ye Zi, China

The following are some discussions about whether the word of God is in the Bible and nowhere else among several brothers and sisters.

Brother Lv:

All of us who believe in the Lord know the word of God is only in the Bible, and nowhere else, but now some people raised a query. They think that there is God’s word outside the Bible. As to it, I have some different views: Nowadays, the New and Old Testaments have been completed and recorded all of God’s words, so I think it is absolutely impossible that there is God’s word outside the Bible. Besides, other spiritual books we read are written according to the Bible, but they are not God’s words. So, I affirm it will never be wrong that God’s word is only in the Bible and nowhere else.

Pondering and acting cautiously:

To tell the truth, as a believer in the Lord for many years, I think, “Whether God’s word is only in the Bible, and nowhere else,” should still be sought, because some time ago I heard a brother said God’s word wasn’t only in the Bible. I think his words might be with basis, since he has a pure acceptance of the Bible, thoughts and insight. But, we didn’t continue to discuss the topic because in the course of our conversation he went to handle other things. Therefore, I think now we can communicate with brothers and sisters online in regard to this question.

Sister Hu:

In meetings, pastors and elders’ words are very clear. They always say to us, “The word of God is only in the Bible, and nowhere else.” As long as we follow them to abide by the Bible to believe in the Lord, won’t this be enough? Really, you spend too much time thinking about this question! There is even someone who thinks there is God’s word outside the Bible.…


This can’t be said! I’ve read the Bible for nearly all my life, but these years of studies about the Bible cast doubt on the viewpoint many people hold on to “The word of God is only in the Bible, and nowhere else.” All of us who understand the Bible know that in the course of compilation of the Bible, parts of the books of the prophets, such as some words of God Ezra the prophet conveyed, were not contained in the Old Testament because of arguments and omissions among the Bible compilers. This is a fact everyone knew. Although these omitted books of prophecy were not edited in the Bible, they are also the words of God. For that alone, it is enough to prove that this viewpoint “The word of God is only in the Bible, and nowhere else” is untenable.


I agree with the statement. Brothers and sisters, when you read scriptures, I don’t know whether you noticed the words in John 21:25: “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.” All of us know the Lord Jesus worked and preached on earth for three and a half years, and only the Four Gospels recorded the words of the Lord Jesus. Nevertheless, according to this, can we say the Lord, in three and a half years, only said those limited words recorded in the Four Gospels? The definite answer is no. John said: “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.” These words fully confirm the viewpoint. I add that the Lord Jesus lived on earth for thirty-three and a half years, but in the thirty years before He began to work, I’m sure that He said many words, but these words were not recorded in the Bible.


Thank the Lord! Think about it carefully. It is really like this.


These words are awesome! I like the post and send a friend request.

Following with my heart:

Thank God! I also want to express my opinion about it. A few days ago, I obtained a little light from my friend and now would like to share them with you. Regarding the viewpoint mentioned above, I also think it is wrong. God is the truth, the way, the life, and He has the unending way of truth. If we come to the conclusion that the word of God is only in the Bible, and nowhere else, then isn’t this denying that God has the unending way of truth?

The Lord Jesus once said, “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come” (John 16:12-13). The Lord Jesus clearly says that He kept many things from people at that time because they did not bear them. So, from these words we know that the Lord Jesus actually had yet many words He wished to speak but did not express them, and that when the Spirit of truth is come, He will express more words. Thus, we can see these words and future things are certainly not recorded in the Bible. Then, how can we say there is no God’s word outside the Bible? Moreover, we should know the Spirit of truth is God Himself. So, the words said by the Lord Jesus, “However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth” and “he will show you things to come” mean that when He comes back, He will utter the words to lead us to understand all the truth and show us things to come. In addition, many places in Revelation say: “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” From the words, we can also see He will express words when He comes back besides the limited words of God recorded in the Bible. And another place in Revelation even more says: “And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals”(Revelation 5:1). The book mentioned was written within and on the backside and sealed with seven seals, which shows that the contents of book weren’t recorded in the Revelation. That is to say, the book is extraneous to the Bible. So, there is still God’s word out of the Bible and the word is what He will speak personally when He returns, and that the Holy Spirit says to the churches.


Thank God! Hearing these words, I feel there is light in the understanding and I also want to add a little bit about my understanding. If we always constrain God’s words with the Bible and say that God’s words are only in the Bible and nowhere else, what will the consequences be? This makes me recall that the earliest Pharisees also constrained God’s words within the Old Testaments, so that when the Lord Jesus came to work, they didn’t acknowledge or accept Him at all. As they waited for the arrival of the Messiah, they defined the Lord Jesus wasn’t the Messiah. Finally, they certainly couldn’t welcome the arrival of the Messiah forever. In the same way, if we constrain God’s word within the New and Old Testaments, then will we admit Him when He comes to utter words? If so, how can we welcome His return?

Pondering and acting cautiously:

Thank the Lord! This knowledge makes a lot of sense. Through such communication of today, I feel I gain some benefit and that understanding the question is helpful for us to welcome the Lord’s return. In this way, we won’t constrain God’s work and word in the Bible like the Pharisees from earliest times. I don’t know if other brothers and sisters understand as such.

At the moment, Optimist, Yearning, Earnestness and Following with my heart sent smiley faces in succession, but only Brother Lv and Sister Hu suddenly quit the group.

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