Friday, November 24, 2017

Eastern Lightning | For What Purpose Does the CCP Make Rumors Against the Church of Almighty God? (I)

For What Purpose Does the CCP Make Rumors Against the Church of Almighty God?

Li Zhen

    With regard to Almighty God and the Church of Almighty God, everyone all over the world knows Him and His Church. In 1991, the incarnate God appeared and began to work in Mainland China. Under the name of Almighty God, He does the work of judgment beginning with God’s family prophesied in the Bible on the basis of the Lord Jesus’ redemptive work in the Age of Grace, unlocks all the mysteries in God’s six-thousand-year management plan to mankind, and expresses all the truths of purifying and saving mankind.
Because of Almighty God’s appearance and work, many believers in the Lord for many years in all the denominations and sects confirm that Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus through reading His words and thus they accept Almighty God’s work in the last days. As more and more people follow Almighty God, the Church of Almighty God develops gradually. Subsequently, like all house churches in the Mainland China, the Church of Almighty God is suppressed and persecuted continuously by the atheistic CCP government. Especially since the kingdom gospel was spread widely in 2012, the CCP government has been crafting rumors to slander the Church of Almighty God by the news media. 

    Meanwhile, it does its utmost to persecute and arrest the believers in Almighty God. Thus the Church of Almighty God almost becomes the focus of the world. In recent years, the CCP government has used the Internet media to spread various rumors to smear the Church of Almighty God without restraint by saying “Christianity publicizes that family is important and that mothers should not leave their children. But in Beijing about thirty thousand families are abandoned by the believers in Almighty God.
They leave their families to preach the gospel, thus many families have been broken.” “The believers in Almighty God all forsake their families and don’t look after their children.” When you see these words, will you believe them, suspect them or want to explore them? Then let’s discuss about this issue together.

It Is Heaven’s Law and Earth’s Principle to Follow God’s Will. How Can the Rumors of Breaking Families Be Reasonable?

    The CCP deceives people by the words “Christianity publicizes that family is important.” It misleads people that the church of the Age of Grace paid attention to families while the Church of Almighty God allows believers to abandon their families. Please think about that: The atheistic CCP government even doesn’t admit there is a God at all. So how can it understand Christianity correctly? Are its words worth trusting? Two thousand years ago, the Lord Jesus taught His followers: “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26). “He that loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me” (Matthew 10:37). “So likewise, whoever he be of you that forsakes not all that he has, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:33). “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like to it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets” (Matthew 22:37-40). From the Lord’s words, we can see that the Lord Jesus didn’t let man only love their family and relatives. He taught man that if they value their family and relatives above God, then they were unworthy of being His disciples. That God arranges family for us is to make us honor our parents, love our spouse, and glorify Him and benefit our family at home. But God’s intention is not to cause us to forget Him for the sake of our family. Because God’s purpose of creating man is to allow man to worship Him, manifest Him, carry out His will and fulfill man’s duty as a created being on earth. Since we believe in God, we should magnify and exalt Him in everything. At any time, we should put His commission at the first place and our personal things second. When God calls on us, we can put aside our personal benefits without hesitation to expend for Him and satisfy His requirements. This is the behavioral principle of the believers in God and the behavior with conscience and sense. By doing in this way, we must be blessed by God. For the Lord Jesus said: “Truly I say to you, There is no man that has left house, or parents, or brothers, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God’s sake, Who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting” (Luke 18:29-30). From these we see that the words, “Christianity publicizes that family is important” said by the CCP are groundless. Only God’s word is the truth. Since we believe in God, we should believe in His word and practice according to His requirements. If a church only publicizes focusing on family and paying attention to living a life, the church does not belong to a true Christianity. The true one is under the authority of God’s words and the truth, and its believers all practice according to God’s words. If a Christian only knows to enjoy the blessings of domestic harmony and the happiness of relatives’ gathering, and regards his families and relatives more important than obeying God and satisfying Him, he will completely violate God’s will and won’t be considered a true Christian. How can he receive God’s approval even if his family get along harmoniously and love each other? Whoever only enjoys God’s grace but ignores God’s will is an ingrate. This is just like the relationship between parents and children. Parents bring their children up, help them build up their families and make their careers. But when they grow up, they only look after their own little family rather than care for their parents. Aren’t they ungrateful ones with the least humanity? So the CCP’s opinion “The believers of the Church of Almighty God abandon families and children and break families by preaching the gospel” is absolutely absurd.

    Look back to the Age of Law. The prophet Samuel was brought to the temple and dedicated to Jehovah God by his mother after he had just been weaned; the prophet Jeremiah left his parents before he married, and spread the words of Jehovah God all his life across the country; in the Age of Grace, the twelve apostles including Peter and John all cast aside their families, houses and lands to follow the Lord Jesus. Especially after the Lord Jesus ascended to heaven, many disciples and apostles wandered outside for years in order to spread the Lord’s gospel to other countries. Did these prophets and apostles abandon and break their families? The British missionary Hudson Taylor came to China to spread the gospel when he was 22, and finally he passed away in China; the American missionary Lottie Moon arrived in China to spread the gospel when she was 33. At last she died in the ship by which she went back to America in her seventies. There were also many other missionaries from other countries who made long journeys and brought the seed of the gospel to China. In order to spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus, they came to China. Can we say that they broke their families by spreading the gospel? Would they not like to enjoy the happiness of family? No! They did these because they knew that it was the redemption of God’s crucifixion that forgave their sins and saved them from violence; they got the greatest salvation of God and saw the deeds of God. They remembered the teachings of the Lord all the time, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment” (Matthew 22:37-38). As a created being, they knew that they should sacrifice for God, devote themselves to spreading the gospel and make more souls return to God. Think of the two-thousand-year history of the Age of Grace. If there were no those apostles, disciples and missionaries who devoted and lost their lives to the gospel work one after another, then how can we, born in this country of atheistic government, enjoy the salvation of the Lord Jesus? How could the gospel of the Lord Jesus be spread all over the world?

    Today in the last days, God incarnate does the work to save mankind and He puts forward His requirements to the Christians who accept His work of the last days. Almighty God says, “You must know I am the One who bestows life unto mankind, and it is you who receive life from Me and must bear witness for Me. This is your duty, which I send down upon you and which you ought to do for Me” (“What Do You Know of Faith?” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). “Are you aware of the burden you shoulder, your commission, and your responsibility? Where is your historic sense of mission? … They are poor, pitiable, blind, and at a loss, wailing in the darkness, ‘Where is the way?’ How they yearn for the light, like a shooting star, to suddenly descend and disperse the force of darkness that has oppressed men for so many years. Who can know just how anxiously they hope, and how they pine day and night for this? These men who suffer deeply remain imprisoned in the dungeons of darkness, without hope of release, even on the day that the light flashes; when will they weep no longer? These fragile spirits who have never been granted rest are truly suffering such misfortune. They have long been sealed off by the ruthless ropes and the history that is frozen in place. Who has ever heard the sound of their wailing? Who has ever seen their miserable visage? Have you ever thought how grieved and anxious God’s heart is? How can He bear to see the innocent mankind He created with His own hands suffering such torment? After all, mankind are the unfortunates that have been poisoned. Though they have survived to this day, who would have thought that they have long been poisoned by the evil one? Have you forgotten that you are one of the victims? Out of your love for God, are you not willing to strive to save those who have survived?” (“How Should You Attend to Your Future Mission” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). “As members of the human race and devout Christians, it is the responsibility and obligation of us all to offer up our mind and body for the fulfillment of God’s commission, for our entire being came from God, and it exists thanks to the sovereignty of God. If our minds and bodies are not for God’s commission and not for the righteous cause of mankind, then our souls will be unworthy of those who were martyred for God’s commission, much more unworthy of God, who has provided us with everything” (“God Presides Over the Fate of All Mankind” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).

    God tells us clearly that obeying God and satisfying God’s requirements are our unshirkable responsibility and duty as creatures. Thus, in order to let those brothers and sisters longing for God’s appearance in all the denominations and sects hear the personal utterance of God and get His salvation of the last days soon, many Christians who have accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days give up their family and career, devote their youth, spend for God and perform their duties heart and soul. They busy themselves spreading God’s kingdom gospel and bringing the people living in the darkness before God. They are fulfilling their responsibilities and duties as created beings. Just like in a family, the husband makes money outside the whole year to make a living, so he cannot look after his wife and children. Can we say that he forsakes his wife and children and breaks his family? As he performs his duty, nobody will blame him. Similarly, today the brothers and sisters of the Church of Almighty God leave their families to perform their duties. They are performing their obligations and duties as creatures, which is the deeds of justice. How can we say that their going to spread the gospel is equal to forsaking and breaking their families? If they don’t preach God’s words or testify to God’s work, we won’t have the opportunity to come before God and accept the end-time salvation of Almighty God. Then, what will the ending be if the whole world lies in wickedness? Will they, like the people in Noah’s time, be destroyed by a great flood, or, like the people of Sodom, die in the fire and brimstone? If so, how can God’s original intention when He created humanity and the price of efforts in His six-thousand-year management plan be realized? So it is heaven’s law and earth’s principle for Christians to forsake everything to spend for God.

Does the CCP Destroy Believers’ Families or Christians Themselves Forsake Their Own Families?

    The words of the CCP that the Christians of the Church of Almighty God forsake their families to spread the gospel are obviously rumors and frame-ups. In fact, believers in Almighty God perform their duties on principle, completely in accordance with their own willingness. “Principles of Setting up Churches and the Management Principles of the Church Life” points out clearly: “Devoting oneself to spending for God is also according to the willingness principle. For example, someone devotes himself to spreading the gospel, someone devotes to doing the work of the church, someone devotes his whole being to spending for God full-time, someone devotes spare time to spending for God. All of these are on the basis of one’s willingness and God’s family doesn’t force anyone.” Through it, we can see that there are only a small part of people forsaking family to spread the gospel. Most believers still farm, work and live the family life. They just attend meetings and perform some duties within their power in the circumstance where they live, for God doesn’t ask us all to leave our families to work for Him.

    Now, most believers have left their family. However, it is not because of their forsaking family but the wild persecution of the CCP. Since the foundation of the state, the CCP has done its utmost to attack religious beliefs. Most of the churches of Christianity and Catholic Churches have been completely sealed, confiscated or forced to join the Three-Self Church by the CCP government. Besides, many house churches have been forcibly abolished and house meetings have also been strictly forbidden. Countless Christians have been persecuted cruelly by the CCP for believing in God. Especially since the end-time Christ—Almighty God started His work in China, the CCP government has called numerous emergency meetings to scheme how to abolish the Church of Almighty God and issued many secret files. Meanwhile, it has conducted nationwide mass arrests of the believers in Almighty God on unwarranted charges of “endangering the social stability,” “subverting the government” and so on. Moreover, it has tried various contemptible ways to make rumors to defame and frame the Church of Almighty God and deceive man, and even torture believers in Almighty God with cruel instruments. Many of the believers are injected with drugs and subsequently develop schizophrenia; some are so badly maimed by torture that they are unable to take care of themselves; some are imprisoned in labor camps and, after their release, are still monitored by the CCP government and deprived of their personal freedom. For example, Liu Qi, (male, 24 years old) a Christian in Xinmi City, Henan Province, was arrested by the CCP police when he was spreading the gospel on December 7, 2012. During the period of arrest, he suffered the extreme brutality of torture by the CCP police. When he was released after completing his sentence in December, 2015, he has become deranged and delirious. Ma Kun, (female, 44 years old) a Christian in Xingyang City, Henan Province, was arrested by the CCP police and was beaten to disability. When she walks, her right leg cannot bend and her head always leans to the left. Jiang Guizhi (female, 46 years old) a Christian in Qinghe District of Pingyu County, Henan Province, was arrested and imprisoned by the CCP police on January 4th, 2013 in Xinmi City, Henan Province. Then the police used torture on her to extract a confession. In the early morning of February 12th, Jiang died as a result of the physical abuse inflicted by the police. Gao Cuiqin (female, 53 years old), a Christian in Suozhen Town of Huantai County, Zibo City, Shandong Province, was arrested on July 15th, 2014. Two days later, she was electrocuted alive by the CCP police with the electric baton. The cases listed above are just a few examples among the cases that the Christians were afflicted by the CCP. In fact, as documented, no less than dozens of Christians in the Church of Almighty God were fatally abused by the CCP government in the past more than two decades. Nearly one million believers were arrested by the CCP police, some of them were sentenced to imprisonment, which is an ironclad fact. Therefore, it is not that we forsake our families, but that we are hunted and persecuted by the CCP that we cannot return home. We have wandered outside for long, so how can we not miss our families? As normal people of flesh and blood, don’t we long for going home to look after our parents, raise our children and enjoy family happiness? But the CCP deprives us of all those rights. Moreover, the CCP usually takes measures of “zhulian.” Once we are arrested by the police, not only will we be faced with the danger of being sentenced, cruel torture and even death, but our families will be extorted a fine, be ransacked and even be monitored by it for long, without peace. How many times when we miss our families, we can only pray to God with tears falling down; how many times when we feel weak within, we can only fellowship about God’s words with sisters and brothers suffering the same persecution to gain strength in the spirit. It is the CCP’s frenzied arrests that breaks our family into pieces. However, it frames that we forsake our families and break our families by spreading the gospel. It is completely distorting the truth.

What’s the Intention of This Atheistic Party by Doing Its Utmost to Craft Rumors Against and Slander God?

    Why does the CCP do its utmost to craft rumors against the Church of Almighty God? What’s its purpose on earth? Many people see it clearly: The devil party smears, frames and condemns the Church of Almighty God extremely and arrests and persecutes Christians without restraint. It wants to build the region without God in China and tries to make China become a place where there is no God, no Christians and no preachers spreading the gospel. All these things it does is for maintaining its dictatorial ruling, controlling the Chinese people forever, bullying and oppressing the Chinese people as it pleases, and eventually torturing them to death and dragging them into hell. The CCP is an evil, satanic regime, which hates the truth and God the most. It knows only Almighty God can express the truth in the world and He is doing the work of judging, purifying and saving man in the last days. Now the words of Almighty God have already been made public online so that the entire human race can seek and investigate. The evil CCP is very afraid that once the words of Almighty God are publicly proclaimed among people, all the just people loving the truth will return to Almighty God. Then its satanic, devilish face of hating the truth and resisting God will be completely exposed to the light and the entire human race will abandon it. If so, it won’t find a place it could call its own in China and it cannot corrupt or harm people in the world any more. Therefore, it extremely hates all the truths expressed by Almighty God and His Church, and tries to stop people from accepting the true way and turning back to Almighty God by using many sorts of methods. Only by seeing through its satanic, devilish face and its intent and purpose of making rumors will we no longer believe its rumors and reject the work of Almighty God.


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